"NothinG is EterNaL..!!"

Why do we need more freedom?
When we are having enough
Is there anything we are scared off to deal with
Why we grow up too fast leaving all the childless behavior back
Why a man does attains a certain age called maturity and starts judging what is wrong and what is right
We can’t remain a child forever like till death
Not judging anything doing mistakes and doing the hell what comes up and cop up right the way
No but we gain maturity and comes to know that we are dealing with hundreds of problems and certain pressure , behaving like a pervert in front of what we are thinking
What does perfect looks like?
I am asking because I haven’t passed a day in my life according to the thing so called perfect
Or I should correct even a second in my life
What do this mean at least I wanted to knew
Why do this all things or thoughts trigger my mind even I don’t want to think of that I don’t know about it
Ok I have planned hundred times according to the so called perfect but I haven’t till date came across that so long
What does that even look I don’t know yet?
I keep thinking these all thoughts in my imaginative mind and believe that it comes true soon
Knowing that it won’t
But still hopes are hopes they are never still like water at times
They keep going like time and don’t stop for even a second and at the end make up heap of dream
Not to be fulfilled
Is there anything called like perfect freedom
Because I haven’t came across that too
The more I get I think the less I am having
I think I am introvert
The thing is I spent a lot of time talking to me
To my soul
That this thing should be like that, that would look good with this and etc
Why do life keep going and not having a pause and rewind button
If that is allowed in this game of life
I would go back to my child age
Making plenty of mistakes without knowing the cause for that I have pay
But that can’t be possible right now
I think that is the possible cause for what I am dealing today
For what I am hungry today
My actual greed I say
What does anybody need freedom, dreams, cause and perfection?
Even having enough of it
But hunger is never satisfied if we get good food
We need more, the more we get the more we step up to achieve more I think that is life
We are never satisfied with what we are having and we need everything we are not having
The only contradiction I am proving is to a line I read somewhere
Nothing is eternal
Like nothing is for forever
Likewise are we, we change, step up at every second with our dreams with our partners, our thinking probably with everything we are having today
To have something is to let it go
I remember so I let go everything just to have something in future
But I haven’t came across that thing probably I am believing in a myth or else in journey of dreams
Secretly running by oneself
That rest is same but not still
Hope to come across something like really called perfection and freedom according to dictionary of dreams and yes
A line “everything is eternal
What I have to do is just WAIT….!!! NA?

"If Everything is perfect,
the life will be a pause,
don't know that still time
will be good or not 
but  i will have sometime
that will be only mine..:"



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