
Showing posts from October, 2018

OF Course It is Love...

OF COURSE IT IS LOVE  plucked a flower an exotic bloom blossom shower thought about our fortune, beauty beast drawled incoherent note vowed an irrelevant fate unforseen obstinacy to date sunk in plenty of mistakes why this thought? occurring in vintage, devoid is all this nature or this breeze wind-age squeezy untidy breeze last in this week two of their eyes seek ,flatter in many ways she looked with shy eyes and just gaze too confused shove in this life's curve but ,yes  of course it is love 

STRIFE.... A Play idea'

STRIFE.. A Play idea Spark an idea, Bore was life, Crazy mind be a Reason for strife Oh , 'madness Reason for strife Really you're like Damn you creep People vibe Cruel spark you cheap and all mind abide peoples voice ignite Are you mad! This was quetioned And critisized However no one thought What was it all about! Paused and shouted With full of voice A play , Shunt on track of lies This was idea for a play ,striked No one critized 'cause A great play idea For long hasn't arrived..                                 - Shuja Ur Rahman Hope you like it... Follow|share|comment...          

"NothinG is EterNaL..!!"

Why? Why do we need more freedom? When we are having enough Is there anything we are scared off to deal with Why we grow up too fast leaving all the childless behavior back Why a man does attains a certain age called maturity and starts judging what is wrong and what is right We can’t remain a child forever like till death Not judging anything doing mistakes and doing the hell what comes up and cop up right the way No but we gain maturity and comes to know that we are dealing with hundreds of problems and certain pressure , behaving like a pervert in front of what we are thinking What does perfect looks like? I am asking because I haven’t passed a day in my life according to the thing so called perfect Or I should correct even a second in my life What do this mean at least I wanted to knew Why do this all things or thoughts trigger my mind even I don’t want to think of that I don’t know about it Ok I have planned hundred times according to the so calle