From Journey of birth to death Arrive,
A thousand desire, Not one of mine.

one from dad one from mother 
one from other,
and yes one of mine,

stop, one of mine 
oh yes, one of mine.

My inner world asked what's desire,
an expectation of  other, what they decide.

and one of mine.
stop, one of mine 
oh yes, one of mine.

the culture of society that isn't alive.
that desire i have in my mind 

something for  which  i crave for years,
it isn't of world this crave is mine,

a thousand world
yet one of mine,

I will achieve one of mine,
pardon,what world will say,
what others will,
and I-
I distract from desire that is mine,

hope, i accomplish one of mine 
Yes,one of mine.

-Shuja ur Rahman

@sadaf_Rahman     Dare completed..!!


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